

Your Holiday Survival Guide

The last two years have been rough. I know the holidays can bring up mixed feelings, and that’s okay. It’s a time of year where our priorities and the needs of our hearts can be

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breathe relaxation
Mental Health

Let’s make meditation easier.

Meditation. It’s become a “buzz” word. I hear a lot that people have a hard time relaxing and that meditation is apparently the best thing for that. Could be true… but maybe not? And what

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Searching for Inner Peace?

Three years ago I embarked on a journey. Burned out from practice and the emotional toll of running my own business and being present for people when they are sick and stressed started to have

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Are you Type A for Anxiety?

Good morning my Type A friends. You know who you are. You are the person others rely upon to get the job done. You show up. You give good support and advice. You’re a good

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