My new appreciation for the word detox
I have always hated the word detox. My distain for the word in part came from how people abuse the word detox. I have no objection with the biochemical phases of detoxification in the liver,
I have always hated the word detox. My distain for the word in part came from how people abuse the word detox. I have no objection with the biochemical phases of detoxification in the liver,
Hopefully the suspense of how to take care of your liver properly has not been driving everyone crazy! I forget how busy the fall can be with getting back into our regular schedules. The liver with
Fun facts about your liver It can regenerate, even when resectioned! We really can grow this organ back! It synthesizes our fat production. It controls cholesterol formation. Yes, big bad cholesterol that gets bad press
Canadians have a reputation of being “ tame ”—but are we truly ? I have attended many Canada Day parties/barbecues/fireworks displays, and I don’t think we are always that composed. In fact, I have known many a Canadian
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