Finola’s Fans: Walk for the Care 2012!

It’s that time of year again, when everyone is involved in walks or run fundraising for their charity of choice, and I am no exception! Yes, you are being hit up for money, or effort! :)

As most of you know, the Ian Anderson House is a hospice that is near and dear to my heart as it is where my mother spent the last few weeks of her life with terminal cancer. Margaret Anderson, founder of the Ian Anderson House, started the house after caring for her husband who also passed away from cancer. What she has created is nothing short of a miracle to those touched by this hospice, and I mean this in all sincerity.

The Ian Anderson House offers without charge, quality end-of-life palliative care by trained medical professionals and kind selfless volunteers, for those who for physical or financial reasons, cannot be given the necessary round-the-clock care in their own homes. The House, true to hospice philosophy, also understands the need to support the family as a unit.

My family and close friends have decided to support this hospice every year, in memory to our mother but also in deep gratitude to Margaret’s legacy and the wonderful support we received two years ago. The Ian Anderson House has touched many lives. It is a positive and loving place that depends on private donations from individuals, service clubs, local business, foundations, and fundraising to keep running. I can’t tell you how many cups of tea were offered to me by volunteers and snacks… and how many new friends we made with other families there. It is a very special place.

Whether you can join us physically on the day of the Walk June 10, 2012 at Mentor College, Mississauga, you can also pledge to our team, “Finola’s Fans”.

Click here to pledge

If you would like to join us on June 10, 2012, please arrive at Mentor College at 10am in comfortable walking/running clothes and register for $20.

Thank you in advance for your support, and know that your financial support helps and touches so many lives.

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