Are you a supplement junkie?
Take a look in your medicine cabinet. How many bottles do you have in there for random vitamins that are supposed to make you better? The vitamin clutter quiz What does each of them do?
Take a look in your medicine cabinet. How many bottles do you have in there for random vitamins that are supposed to make you better? The vitamin clutter quiz What does each of them do?
Vitamin K2 is a vitamin that everyone is talking about – but do you know what it is? For those of you that are unfamiliar, I will give a Coles’ notes version about this vitamin.
In the last several months, I have had many questions on calcium and what is too much calcium. Unfortunately the research supporting proper calcium supplementation has been around for a long time now, but when
To understand acne, it always helps to understand what our skin was meant to do in the face of a particular condition, and then support it in going back to that level of functioning. Generally
It is cold and flu season, and my office is bustling with runny noses, sore throats, small and large coughs… and the list goes on. Surprisingly, few people come into the office for the cold
Before discussing an individual vitamin, I want to be very clear: Our body needs a multitude of vitamins at the right (optimal) levels on a continuous basis. One vitamin is rarely the answer for our
I frequently get this question, and the best way to address the same question is so that everyone can learn from the experience! I will give an example of a scenario I hear frequently in
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